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What is the oldest religion in the world and when was it founded with proof?

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Which is the oldest religion in the world and when was it practiced? Can you also explain how we know this or what evidence supports it? The question I have is which religion is the oldest and how historians or scholars arrive at that conclusion.
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  1. Many people believe that the oldest known religion is Hinduism and has been existing for thousands of years. The game is over 4,000 years old according to some scholars putting its existence at around 2000-1500B.C, at the time of the Indus valley civilization which is present day India and Pakistan.

    The Vedas: They are some of the oldest religious texts known to mankind and were written initially in Sanskrit language. Considering the Rigveda – one of the four Vedas – it is estimated that despite the written records date back to around 1500 BCE, the actual content of the texts was perhaps recited orally for several centuries before they were committed to writing.

    Archaeological Findings: The archeological site in the Indus Valley has provided evidence of ritual practices where humans presumed to worship idols symbolizing fertility, which are not far from present-day Hinduism. Items such as stone seals with animal and figure images bring into flight contact with spirituality/religion concepts that were to transform Hinduism.

    Continuity of Practices: Unlike some of the other indigenous religions of the world, Hinduism is over two millennia old and has assimilated or incorporated aspects of other cultures and religions as it has developed. This longevity and ability to mutate made it the oldest religious system that is still operative to date.

    All these pieces of evidence advance this writer’s assertion that Hinduism is the oldest religion that has been known unto mankind today with roots traced to earliest civilization.