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Do you think the title of this story is suitable for it? Can you think of any other title(s)?

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Do you believe the title of this story fits well, and can you suggest any alternative titles?

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  1. Yes, the title “The Best Christmas Present in the World” is suitable for the story. The story effectively portrays the theme of the Christmas spirit of giving and the unexpected, particularly the part where two armies decide to cease hostilities and exchange gifts on Christmas in the middle of a war. This gave the soldiers their best Christmas gift when at last there was something they all sympathized with. In addition, the use of a letter to Mr. Macpherson, as well as the process of delivering the returned letters, enhances this theme as well. Though the letters were precious to her, she had the thought about the existence of the narrator, her husband, Jim, who in her mind had returned home as he planned on Christmas Day, the thought of him was her best Christmas present.

    Other Possible Titles:

    • A Christmas Truce
    • War and Peace on Christmas Eve
    • A Soldier’s Christmas Gift
    • A Wartime Christmas Story
    • The Christmas Letter