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Mention any three or more things that Parimal Ghose knew about Bepin Babu | NCERT Class 8 English

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Could someone share at least three specific details or pieces of information that Parimal Ghose seemed to know about Bepin Babu? Thanks in advance!

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  1. Given below are a few things that Parimal Ghose knew about Bepin Babu:

    1. Bepin Babu had a fall in Hudroo and he even got an injury on the right knee.
    2. Bepin Babu had a bungalow at Ranchi and was not very much in the liking of the hotel food, he preferred to have cooking done by a bawarchi.
    3. He was survived by no immediate family, Bepin Babu had lost his wife a decade back and his only brother had died of insanity.