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Mention the various ways in which the British and the German soldiers become friends and find things in common at Christmas

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What are the different ways in which the British and German soldiers bond and discover commonalities during Christmas?

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  1. Both the British and the German soldiers had a very merry Christmas as all enmity between them was set aside. They tasted each other’s food and as soldiers they met, laughed, talked, drank, and ate. Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson even had a slice of cake baked by Connie. The topics of conversation include characters like Bathsheba, Gabriel Oak, and Sergeant Troy, favorite books were also mentioned. They got along and shared similar views on most issues.

    The troops then played football on each other, clapping, cheering, and stamping their feet as a sign of appreciation. They also exchanged carols, thus developing a mutual Christmas feel. By doing so, they were able to have a Christmas celebration and find out that they are not so different from each other although they are enemies.